Early Season Trailrunning

The last weekend of March and early April can typically be a crapshoot as far as weather in our neck of the woods. “Am I Winter…should I be Spring…no, I think I’ll stay Winter!” Fuhgeddaboudit!!

On March 28, I had a few hours on my own in Rothrock State Forest for a mixed trail run…”mixed” meaning at some points the trails were completely packed with snow and ice and my Kahtoolas came in super handy, and the next minute the snow was gone, I’d stowe my cleats and enjoy lighter feet!

Then on April 6, my very good friend Jason Lang and I did a 20-miler in preparation for the upcoming Hyner Trail Challenge coming later in the month. After cranking out a classic “out and back” trip along the Ridgway Road…bumping into our good friend Brian Simpson who joined us for part of the return leg…we rehydrated and re-carbed (celebrated!) with a Dirtwolf…life is good!


Firetower in Rothrock State Park


Spruce Gap Trail


Near Galbraith Gap


Topping Out on Bald Knob (Pun Not Intended)


Bald Knob Panorama


And Then It Was Clear


Spring At Its Finest


Two Old Chums Enjoying A Celebratory Brewsky

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