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Father’s Day

Fathers Day FEATURED 1080x300

We celebrated Father’s Day in our house on Saturday, June 20…a day ahead as it worked better for everyone’s schedules here. Had a great breakfast with Jenn and the kids, AND got a new travel mug to replace the one I crushed a few…

Spring 2020

Apologies for the lapse in our weekly postings. We’ll be returning to those going forward. We just wanted to post an update of where we are at so far in 2020. Thus far we are on schedule which is pretty amazing considering the weather…

It’s Been A Busy Season So Far!

Yup…I’ve been really negligent on my updating of the blog with weekly reports and photos. I can summarize it in one word: WET! As such, I’m going to post a variety of photos from the start up til last week just to catch everyone…

“Winter Is ….” OK, Knock It Off!

For those not endeared to the television series “Game of Thrones”, today’s blog title may not make sense. The full statement is “Winter Is Coming” and it’s a reference to a frozen, zombie-like enemy to the heroes of the series. The phrase has now…

Time For Bed

While technically not totally finished for the 2017, the majority of the projects have been wrapped up. Harvest, processing and drying went fairly well. We’re still waiting on the new yard to really set their roots and get going. This was their first year…

“Winter Is Coming!”

Truly, Winter is coming and today it felt like it was almost upon us! Temperatures are still in the average realm for this time of year, however the winds have picked up greatly. The windspeeds are close to what I’ve felt walking these fields…

“Test, Test…Check 1,2…Is This Thing On?”

Hopyard Beetle Traps

Ok, this post has nothing to do with an on-stage performance or mic check. It’s in regards to soil and petiole (leaf stem) testing for our soils and hops respectively. When I was trying to think of a clever title for this week’s post…

Wet Spring + Heavy Equipment = Not A Good Combination!

Our hops arrived “prematurely”…that is to say, there was a miscommunication between the Farm and our supplier. The date they were delivered (May 19) was the original date we’d discussed with the supplier last month. However I amended that date and said we’d be…