A Certified Naturally Grown Farm - Saint Marys, Pennsylvania
Posted on April 11, 2018 by Joshua
For those not endeared to the television series “Game of Thrones”, today’s blog title may not make sense. The full statement is “Winter Is Coming” and it’s a reference to a frozen, zombie-like enemy to the heroes of the series. The phrase has now…
Category: Hops, Hopyard, Marketing & Social Media, Uncategorized
Posted on November 22, 2017 by Joshua
While technically not totally finished for the 2017, the majority of the projects have been wrapped up. Harvest, processing and drying went fairly well. We’re still waiting on the new yard to really set their roots and get going. This was their first year…
Category: Blog, Hops, Hopyard, Marketing & Social Media, Uncategorized
Posted on October 25, 2017 by Joshua
Truly, Winter is coming and today it felt like it was almost upon us! Temperatures are still in the average realm for this time of year, however the winds have picked up greatly. The windspeeds are close to what I’ve felt walking these fields…
Category: Blog, Hops, Hopyard, Marketing & Social Media, Uncategorized
Posted on August 4, 2017 by Joshua
We’ve been changing out the bags on our Japanese beetle traps in rapid succession. Next year we’ll be adding two traps to the small yard and probably 4-5 for the big yard. This is the worst we’ve seen it since we put in the…
Category: Blog, Hops, Hopyard, Posts with video
Posted on July 21, 2017 by Joshua
Ok, this post has nothing to do with an on-stage performance or mic check. It’s in regards to soil and petiole (leaf stem) testing for our soils and hops respectively. When I was trying to think of a clever title for this week’s post…
Category: Blog, Grains, Hops, Hopyard, Uncategorized
Posted on June 8, 2017 by Joshua
Just a few images of our work yesterday, which can be summed up as “Damn you weeds…damn you to hell!” With such a wet Spring in combination with me able to dedicate only one day per week to make the trip up to the…
Posted on May 23, 2017 by Joshua
Well even though we’re still behind, we put in a good day of work that caught us up quite a bit. Show me a Farmer that doesn’t say they’re behind or that they’re “all caught up” and I’ll show you a poser 😉 Not…
Posted on May 13, 2017 by Joshua
This has been one of THE wettest, coldest Springs I can recall in quite some time. As such, looking at the very slow growth of the hops in both yards and witnessing how extremely wet the new/large yard was, it felt like we were…
Posted on April 6, 2017 by Joshua
This is the first year I’m bringing our IH674 diesel tractor out of Winter hibernation. Not being raised on a Farm and having limited experience with tractors of this size, I was nervous as all get out that I hadn’t prepared the tractor properly…
Posted on March 29, 2017 by Joshua
These words were spoken by Boniface Wimmer, O.S.B., the founding abbot of Saint Vincent Archabbey located in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Boniface Wimmer immigrated to the United States with a small group of Benedictine monks in the mid 1800’s from Bavaria. As an extension, his work…